Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Ep. 31 Was it Face-Blindness or Racism? Or both?
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Sadie fills us in on her past transgressions of not recognizing people, specifically Asian Women. We wade through the conundrum of where her face-blindness ends, and her racism begins, all while getting no feedback from those whose thoughts matter most (like that has ever stopped us!). Also in this episode: We choose between two soiled, but useful pieces of ground found body wear, we teach Simone about "Negging," and we try to find the White-iest of White Names. We landed on Biff. Top That!!
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Friday Jul 31, 2020
Ep. 30 To funny or not to funny?
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Sadie goes meta in our 2nd Garage talk edition, worried about the tricky exercise of being both funny and un-harmful on our Podcast soaked Podcast. Between questioning Sarl's sound guy credentials and the hot Door Dashers that keep showing up, we get responses from our good friend Andy, and Sadie's mom. Also in this episode: We continue discussion on the Garage Upgrade, we discuss clothing store cafes and 80's leggings, and we define what "Surprise Poop" means. And yes, ending up in scatalogical territory 2 hours in is becoming a pattern. Enjoy!
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Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Ep. 29: Shouldn't you keep the backbiting BEHIND my back?
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Sadie is curious about how people feel to hear smack talk about them from a 3rd party. Grateful? Annoyed? Is the 3rd party a saint or a snitch? We ruminate on this question in our first ever Garage Talk edition, where we maintain social distancing, muffle unsatisfactory answers through masks, and sip strong drinks through straws. Also in this episode: A 2nd query concerning some white people's insistence on keeping up the racism, we discuss our faces ala botox, winking, and smooth foreheads, and we end with farts and a dissertation on two girls/one cup. Classy AF.
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Sunday May 31, 2020
Ep. 28: My Covid Bubble is filled, 110%
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sunday May 31, 2020
Sadie is peeved by a couple things this month. The use of 110% is something she despises about 128% of the time. And also, the Covid, Quarantine Cliques are a thing now, and she doesn't know how she feels about them, other than being 143% sure they're the most exclusive cliques (or cults) ever made. We ask the internet both questions, and everyone cares -150% to answering the Covid Bubble question. Also on this episode: We learn Simone is besties with Michelle Obama, we go into way too much depth about foot eating parties, and we have our second Duchess Deep Dive with a peculiar La Croix flavor. Believe us, we put 137% into this episode.
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Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Ep. 027: Where's your GOD DAMN MASK!?
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Sadie's curious as to why anyone would choose NOT to where a mask in these 'Rona-Laden End Times. We hear Simone and Sarl's take (slightly muffled through their own face protection), and also from Yahoo and Quora, who have decided to grace us with some actual answers. Also on this episode: Sarl tells of his night drinking 10 white russians in 2 hours, we create a flag for the City of Los Angeles, and ruminate on our possible celebrity look a-likes. And also which celebrities are wearing their GOD DAMN MASKS!!!
Read the rest of this entry »Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Ep. 026: Befriending Baristas?
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Sadie is on great terms with several individuals performing various paid services for her. Are they her friends? Can she make friends with them? Should she?
Amidst the apocalyptic landscape of the present pandemia, Sarl and Simone reach digitally across the Zoom-ed landscape to help Sadie with her query, mayhaps turning the episode into a supportive 'Pocalypse Glam-Fest, (Oh if you could have seen it!) Also in this episode, Sadie fully embraces the new Non-TMI landscape of Zoom interaction, Simone finally gets an answer to a Chuck Norris question, and we have our first Duchess Deep Drink Dive segment, where Duchess grapples with a peach-colored appendage of the Crown Royal Empire (a future sponsor ye shall be!).
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Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Ep. 025: My alcohol collection is too tempting. Should I hide it?
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Brand new show format! New name, new perma-guest Simone, bad improv, worse bits, and a declaration to keeping it chill, comfort podcast style. . .until we don't.
Sadie wants to be respectful to all her guests, including any with possible issues with alcohol. Should her insanely MASSIVE and eclectic collection of booze be hidden when said friends are at her house? We ask Yahoo Answers and Elder Wisdom, all while imbibing 1/4 of said booze collection during the recording. Also in this episode: Sadie discusses wool underwear, we inhale baking vanilla in lieu of essential oils, and homework is joining an improv group, before Covid-19 stopped that idea cold, (as if we were going to do it anyway).
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Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Ep 024: Should Sarl Join a Cult?
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sadie is on the fence about Sarl hypothetically joining a Cult. . . . Sorry, that statement is categorically false. Sadie is def on one side of the fence, and Sarl is literally never going to join one. But hey, lets PODCAST about it! We get some answers from the internet, as well as our special guest Simone! Also in this episode: We get on the InstaPot bandwagon, we learn Sadie once owned a pager, and we organically create a new Segment entitled "Homework." So if you want to know how masturbating to certain Tom Hanks movies turned out for us, tune in next month as well!
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Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Ep. 023: To Car or not to Car?
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Sadie is thinking of getting rid of her car, but unsure (or was when she came up with the question 4 months ago). So get rid of it? Keep it? Is she good? We get answers from Yahoo Answers, and also from our special guests Stanley and Shubert (who, FYI, are not in a relationship). Also in this episode: Sadie discusses her inability to remember faces, we break down Sadie's Dog Salon for Bean Beans (which would sort of replace the car's garage), and the special guests give the podcast a rave review of: "It's Listenable." This is a longer episode, so you besties should figuratively "Strap In."
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Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Ep. 022: To be Annoyed or Annoying?
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Sadie wants to know what's better: To be annoyed by the annoying, or the one doing the annoying-ing. We get replies from Yahoo Answers, (because everyone on Quora has gotten their life in order apparently). Also in this episode: Our special guest Sarret joins us, who is no stranger to being on Podcasts no one listens to, Sadie revels in quipping with Sarret, who gets all of her 50's-80's pop culture references despite being a wee millenial baby, and our Metamoment is especially Pod-Positive.
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